Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This is the day which the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Good morning everyone!  Tom, it's great to hear from you and Lam, I love Sills quote.  She's an awesome lady.  Wish I could sing like she does.

It was a blustery night in Gillette with the wind coming in from the north about 8:00 PM and it didn't die down until around 3:30 - 4:00  this morning.  I'd forgotten how the wind could blow here.  No,  that's not true.  The wind always blows in Wyoming ... but not at 97 miles an hour like it can in Walsenburg.  It really was nice going to bed and listening to the horses neigh and the wind blow through the cottonwoods.

Had some great news when I stepped on the scales this morning.  I've gained another 1 1/2 lbs., up to 138.  Jerry had been saying he needed to buy me some smaller clothes, but at this rate he'll have to get bigger ones.  :-)  Perhaps the 2 pints of Ben and Jerry's Karamal Sutra ice cream over the last two days has something to do with the weight gain?   Not to mention the 4 bottles of Boost each day!  All I know is that I'm getting stronger each and every day and I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

We're going to the hospital for lab tests today, then venturing to Home Depot to see if we can find some blinds for the east and north windows in the living room and dining room.  Talked with the "Blind Man" yesterday and it will be 3 weeks before they can have blinds here for us, so we'll go with Home Depot, hopefully.  That is, if we can find anyone working there today!  Okay, that wasn't nice, but it is so often true.

Well, better close for now and feed the kitties.  My love to all of you and keep smiling.  Makes everyone wonder what you've been up to.  :-)

Loads of Love,



  1. The wind made it all the way to Kansas. We have been windless for days but this a.m. as I walked out to the car to leave for school, WOW, the wind does still blow in Kansas. Course I always remember why, , , , , ,because Oklahoma blows and Nebraska sucks! LOL!

    Good luck at Home Depot. I know exactly what you mean.

    Best of luck with tests. Hope they are pain free.

  2. Hey Doll!

    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile but Walmart has been a real challenge for me! I now have an understanding why service is so bad in package stores! The people there are worked to death and paid very little! I've been in the frozen/dairy department now for 2 weeks (seems like 2 months) I schlep milk carts with 4 gallons of milk in them...cartons of gallons of ice tea and anything else they can find over 30 pounds! I love the customers and the people I work with but it's a long way away from sitting at a desk all day watching grumpy kids. On the bright side...I have lost a couple of pounds, my shoulders don't hurt any more and I definitely have more upper body strength! Just goes to show that there is truth in "Life hands you lemons...make lemonade" BTW..those jugs weigh 128 ozs! TeeHee!

    Glad that the move to Gillette has been good for you and your family. There's a lot of healing power being with the ones you love and that love you. Send me your mailing address...I still have a lot of cards to send you. Hope all goes well today!

    Love you loads~~Gar
