Friday, September 23, 2011

A slight blip

Good Morning and Happy Friday to Everyone!

It's going to be a phenomenal day.  I slept through the night and feel like a million bucks.  What a difference cutting my steroid in half in the evening makes.  It feels really good to sleep through the night and be able to dream.

After visiting with you early yesterday morning we had a slight problem around 4 AM.  I went into PAT/SVT (very rapid heart beat to the tune of about 180 beats per minute).  I awakened Jerry and was, fortunately, able to convert myself w/caratode (sp?) massage, cold water to the face and back of the neck, bearing down, etc.  As most of you know, I've had this off and on for about 28 years. 

The bad part was,  it hit again while I was fixing breakfast at 6 AM.  When I saw stars and felt ye olde heart start beating like crazy again, was I ever PO'd!  Jerry, having had all the fun he could stand, called 911 and a parade of EMT's, the Fire Dept, and a Sheriff's Deputy all showed up within 10 minutes of the call and converted me on-scene with medication.  Then away to the hospital we went in the ambulance.  The hospital checked me out, everything was fine, and I swear we were home before the emergency team could get their paper work filled out.

Our Granddaughter, Jenni, showed up  right behind the ER personnel and seeing the relief on Jerry's face to have a family member there brought home to me what a wise decision it was to move to Gillette.  While I do miss Colorado City and our mountain, this is home.  The family support is priceless.

Spent yesterday afternoon visiting with my step-mother, Barb, and then we had 17 family and friends over and Barb bought pizza for us all.  I was even up until 10:00.  Lastest I've made it since before surgery.

Tammi and Bruce's friends, Sally and Rick, are visiting from Arizona and they came over as well.  Sally has been battling bladder cancer for 7 years and is now a cancer survivor advocate.  What an inspiration she is.  When I finish visiting with you I am going to get on the Internet to see what I can find for kidney cancer survivors.  I can't think of a better use of time than to try to help someone else cope with a renal cell cancer diagnosis.

My brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Gail, will be here from Westcliffe tonight and Barb is taking us (John and Shauna, Jerry and me and Steve and Gail) out to eat at The Prime Rib, one of the two great steakhouses in Gillette.  Sure wish our big sis Sherry and her Leo were here to join us ... however, they will be with us in spirit.

This has turned out to be a mini War and Peace, which wasn't intended when I started.  There's just so much to share with you.  I continue to get stronger each and every day and so appreciate all the cards, thoughts, prayers and love being sent my way.  Have a fabulous day and I'll be chatting with you tomorrow.

Loads and Loads of Love,



  1. I KNEW IT! I have always had faith in your personal power! I saw my father do it and I knew that you would too. This is such good news...too bad your heart had a bit of trouble with all the excitement! Tell it to behave!
    Be sure and send that new address and phone numbers. Keep on truckin' sister! Love you so much~~gar

  2. So glad you knew what to do. Sorry you're having so much trouble.

  3. It is nice, for all of us as well, to have you and Grandpa here. We need the support from you two as well. It is so nice to be able to see you both everyday, help out whenever needed, and be able to spend time in the Wade House without the dreaded 8 hour drive home later. I'm so glad I was able to lend a hand to you and Grandpa yesterday.

    I love seeing that house on the hill so full of life again, with the lights on and knowing that our family is getting wonderful use out of it. It is, without a doubt, how Grandma and Grandpa Hitt would have wanted it in their memory.

    Love you mostest!

  4. So glad to be able to picture Jenni's concerned yet smiling face. She does have an exceptional smile under the worst of worries.

    I realize this is very late in the day but I do want to remind you all to toast with a good, dark beer tonight ... imagine me 'table dancing' to celebrate you all being out on the town - and imagine Leo turning red with embarrassment! We are there in spirit. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELVES. Love you mostest, Sis
