Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Early One

Hi All,

Just couldn''t wait to share with you the phenomenal news we received yesterday when we visited Dr. Mills.  Every thing is great!  My lab numbers are perfect and Dr. Mills just kept saying "this is so exciting."  I think he's pretty impressed with how well I'm doing.  I even tooled around in the wheelchair all by myself once we got to the Cancer Center.  I'm able to motive without my walker much of the time, even tho it scares Jerry to no end.  I wouldn't do it if I weren't confident I'm not going to fall.

We had a wonderful visit with Barb yesterday and even went to John and Shauna's for some awesome grilled chicken breasts last night for supper.  Delicious!  John grilled the chicken (pork chop for Jerry, since he says chicken is foul) and Shauna made sauted veggies that were out of this world!  Tonight everyone is coming here and we'll order in pizza.  One thing about my family.  You can NEVER go wrong with pizza.

This has been a really good night, with most of it spent in bed.   I've even had a couple dreams for the first time since surgery.  Quite honestly, I plan on hitting the hay again after I've finished this.  Feels good to be able to sleep!

Dr. Mills also told me I could have a massage.  John and Shauna's massage therapist is out of town on a family emergency until Monday, so I texted Tammi to get the name of her massage therapist of whom she thinks so highly.  I know that will make me feel great and am really looking forward to it.

Well dear ones, that''s about all the good news I can think of right now.  Keep the prayers coming, because believe me they certainly are being answered.  Love to you all and perhaps, tomorrow, it will be a little later in the day before I visit with you.

Have a beautiful Thursday.



  1. Yes ... of course!!! The miracle toddler grows up to be the miracle patient!!!! Isn't it amazing what coming home and being loved can do.

    We love you MOSTEST, Sherry and Leo

  2. That is terrific news! I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. I had been a bit behind in reading the blog and I tried to call you and was worried when the phone was disconnected. Needless to say I am caught up now and very excited for you and your family. Please send me your new phone number so I can call you now and then and if there is anything I can do for you on this end please don't hesitate to ask me!
    My e-mail address is
    Tell Jerry Hi and that I am happy he is taking such good care of you!!!
    Love and Prayers!
