Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wet Saturday

Greetings once more from cold Gillette,

The thermometer says it's 46 out ... but it feels moer like 32 since it's been raining most of the night.  It's a damp cold ... unusual for Gillette which is usually very arid.

Yesterday was quite a productive day.  I was able to get our address changed ... making over 20 phone calls.  I was worn out last night, though.  Too tired to do anything including cook.  Jerry had to fend for himself and I just had a Boost and 1/2 qt of Ben and Jerry's Caramel Sutra icc cream.  Yum!

Before going any further, I want to once more thank everyone for their cards, letters and prayers.  I enjoy each and every one.  My cousins, Vicki and Shelli, have been sending cards with missives in them and I really appreciate it.  In fact, Vicki sent a couple of old pics yesterday ... one of our parents and grandparents when Daddy & Aunt Betty were VERY young, and one of the entire family when I was about two.  I have these ictures in a scrapbook, but as Vicki pointed out it is sure nice to have them handy right now.

Dr. Meade called with good news yesterday.  Seems the lung xray we did on Wednesday looks "much, much better" than the previous one.  In fact, she contacted Dr. Mills to see if we could remove the lung tube; however, he wants it left in for the time being.  Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, hun? 

The shoulder xray shows arthritus (sp?) starting so I'll have an appt with an orthopod to see about a shot and start PT next Wednesday.  Hopefully between the two the old shoulder will straighten up.

Snce it's so early, think I'll take my meds and return to bed for an hour or so ... although I do feel wonderful this morning, but a few more snoozes should make me feel even better.

Love to you all, and enjoy your Saturday.



  1. Wonderful news! Keep on, Keeping on!
    Love ya snooks!

  2. Praise the Lord! Power of love and prayer are in every miracle we experience as a family!

    I hope the shot helps, I know it helped my hand and ankle a lot :)

    Love you mostest!
