Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally Friday

Good morning one and all from chilly Gillette,

Seems like it's been weeks since we visited instead of just a few days, and I just couldn't wait any longer.  There is a lot to share with you, so let's get started.

First of all, Autumn has finally arrived in all it's glory.  The trees seemed to have changed their clothes overnight from the glorious greens to the beautiful burnished colors of Fall.  Yesterday I think the high was only 57 ... with 59 expected today.  Needless to say, warmer clothes have been put to the front of the closet!

Monday turned out to be a pretty lousy day ... in fact one of the worst I've had in a long time.  I was extremely tired and just felt over-all punky.  Can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I was having some twinges of pain in my left eye, similar to what I had in the right before surgery and radiation.  It really was scaring me because I envisioned another tumor in the left occipital lobe.

I mentioned to Jerry the left eye pain and he immediately called Dr. Mills, who ordered an MRI for late Monday morning.  After the MRI we spent an hour or so in Dr. Mills office waiting for the radiologist to read the results.  Turned out the radiologist was very unimpressed.  Remind me never to impress radiology again!  There was nothing remarkable on the MRI and he could find no new tumors, etc.  YES!!!  Dr. Mills recommended a celebratory glass of wine.

The last three days (headed for a fourth today, I believe) have been remarkable.  I've felt wonderful, strong, and been able to accomplish so much.  I had physical therapy on Wednesday and really enjoyed that.  I go in every other day for several weeks, and today is one of those days so I'm looking forward to it.  After therapy I have a massage, so life just doesn't get much better.

Received our Kokopeli shower curtain on Wednesday and it looks so nice in the main bath.  The entire theme in there is Kokopeli.  I'm hopinng to have Jenni take some pics and show me how to send them on the Blog.  I'd like for you all to see our beautiful and comfortable home.

Since I'm confident today is going to be another great day, think I'll go snuggle down for an hour or so to insure that happens.  Please have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend and we'll be talking again on Monday.

Loads and Loads of Love to you all,



  1. Linda,
    It is really good to hear from you. I checked each morning this week, as I am also, a creature of habit.
    So glad the MRI outcome was good with no new tumors. Still need to take it easy.
    Cannot wait to see pics or your home. We are putting a bathroom in our basement and I want to do a Kokopeli theme but not sure my Ger will buy it. LOL!
    We have a very busy weekend planned so it will fly by and once again I will look forward to school on Monday so I can rest. Ha Ha! We purchased two air swimmers and have started assembling the clownfish. They are cool. check it out.
    Autumn has also arrived in northwest Kansas, 37 degrees this a.m. Only in the 60's this coming week. Trees, few that there are, are gorgeous.
    Loves to you dear Yaya,

  2. I will be happy to come up and take some photos for you and help get them on the blog. I think I should probably wait a few days just to be sure I'm not contagious... Don't want to risk you getting sick!

    Sorry you weren't feeling so hot today! I sure want to visit but feel it's best to wait another day. Love to you and Grandpa! See ya later this week and we'll take some photos of the house to share :)

